Friday, 18 December 2009


Military intelligence, blood soaked Obama and Kissinger winning the Nobel Peace prize and so on, yes it would appear I touched a raw nerve when I wrote against the 'Sun Military Awards'.

An old friend felt stung enough to respond...

'which happen to mean a lot to those who have fought steadfast and without question for their country'.

I doubt the loon grinning celebrity presenters could even find Afghanistan on a map, never mind explain why troops are there.

I sense his annoyance at my stance, however in my defence, the 'Sun' has a long track record of sickening hyperbole, far right-wing scaremongering and sensationalism.

Hardly a noble outlet.

Don't give me that crap about 'protecting Britain from terrorism'. Since when was it under attack?

Utter nonsense and smokescreen.

Lies along the same lines as those told attempting to justify Iraq.

R.I.P. David Kelly.

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