Monday, 30 November 2009

Walking through woods

This afternoon I took my older daughter and Marley dog for a walk in the woods. I know, how quaint I see you type, mais attend un moment, it was so peaceful.

Just us.

And leaves.

Finding exactly the right stick for Marley to fetch.

Sitting at a picnic table with my beautiful, wonderful angel.

Just being.

Watching, with eyes open.


Sunday, 29 November 2009

Everywhere you go...

Simple yet profound, isn't it. No matter where you are or who you're with, you can't escape yourself. You can fake it, and many do but you cannot be anyone other than who you are. So, BE who you are. If you feel angry shout and swear, let it out; if you're happy, share the love. If you hate what you do, don't try to suffer on, rather stop and do something else. If you thing something is wrong SHOUT out against it.

If you can do all these things, one day you'll be nearly perfect like me, (or so a professing Buddhist once told me) ;-)


Saturday, 28 November 2009

Hessie missing you

Paul Hester, drummer with Crowded House, hanged himself from a tree. He lived with/suffered from/struggled with depression (it makes no difference how it's described). No-one can understand what happens inside someone's mind when the desire to continue stops.

Very few, a chosen select, close few, give a flying fuck. From an outsider's casual glance it is "selfish" to be depressed. Broken bones attract sympathy and support. Broken minds arouse suspicion, indifference, fear, anger.

Hessie, missing you.


Friday, 27 November 2009

Stop all that doom and gloom right now

Stumbled upon this which eased the pain of man-flu somewhat.

This morning I found my disgust growing at a couple of things in particular.

1. The UK/U.S.A unholy alliance over Gary McKinnon
2. Authority, be they bankers, bosses or politicians.

Sadly however, much like the idiots who stared at goats, I have no special powers to influence any of this. Ah, but you say, you do, your voice...mine is a tad croaky, however I can still have a rant at the smug slimeballs who comprised most of the Question Time panel, including the tit from the Fascist News.



Thursday, 26 November 2009

What to do when depressed

This morning I met an good friend for breakfast. He understands that you do occasionally find the urge to smile, if not the will to live.

I read on teletext a story of a woman who had sickness benefits stopped because she was apparently spotted on Facebook smiling. This has got to be stopped of course. Smiling is utterly indefensible under any circumstances and needs to be reported and punished severely.

I have to confess, I probably broke some sort of law by having the audacity to leave my house and take Marley dog for a walk. Being depressed of course means that you are physically unable to put one foot past the other, therefore I really should admit to faking the whole depression thing.

After all, what could I possible have to be depressed about?


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Giggle Chamber

Twenty five years ago I used to dander in and  be pounced upon like some clothes assistant on commission - "WHAT SORT OF JOB ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SIR"?

Yesterday, a middle aged man bearing no resemblance to that person took his daughter back to the same place. No-one talked. No-one noticed. Touch screens were touched and hey presto, like waiting at a supermarket deli counter a receipt curled out of a metal slit.

I longed to be shouted at.


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